
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Short Story: "Skirts and Ribbons"

Author's Notes: Unlike the last three entries, this story is much more recent--written on and off over the course of 1-2 weeks and finished last night! I wrote it in response to a lack of Spoovy (Heavy/Spy)-related fan content, but replaced the game's canon counterparts with my own original characters. So it's a rather self-indulgent piece, but very fluffy and adorable! It should be noted that this is the first short story--and one of the very few written entries overall--in which Mortimer is completely absent.

Short Story: "A Special Treat"

Author’s Note: This is a short story I wrote rather thoughtlessly back in summer 2013. As far as I can recall, this is the first written entry featuring Zhen Dou and Ooshiro (especially Ooshiro, who wouldn't show up until towards the end of the year), and may or may not be chronologically set in a time post-dating the events currently going on in the main story.

This story contains elements of gradual/rapid weight gain and references to fat fetishism, so those wary about or easily grossed out by that sort of thing may not enjoy this.

Short Story: "Fate"

Author’s Note: This is a short story written sometime last summer (July 2013, to be more precise). The characterization is a bit more accurate compared to the "Sugar-Free", but also contains/references some elements and plot points which have later been retconned in the main story (especially those involving Valdo). It's also one of Valdo's first major appearances, if not the first, resulting in said timely retcons.

We should also forewarn that this story makes references to animal cruelty and death, and substance abuse. Please read with caution if you're particularly sensitive about the subject.

2013 Valentine's Day Special: "Sugar-Free"

Author’s Note: This is a VERY old story I wrote in February 2013, with some minor revisions (mostly to the dialogue). As a result, the characterization (especially with Vincent, who was written a bit more closely to canon!Scout than his usual self) is a bit odd, even with the changes. With that said, it's still an important piece of SnS history, being written around the same time as the original prologue. Also, it's the first major crossover with OFF, with the Batter as one of the major characters in-story.